Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Firebird

The Fire bird
Once there lived the most magical bird - the Firebird! The Firebird sprinkled music from her feather, filling the land with song and dance. But there was one person who did't  like music- the mean ogre, Katschai. He trapped the Firebird and locked her in a birdcage in his secret palace. But there was a single magical feather that a gust of wind carried far away...
Rocket saw the Firebird's  feather, and caught it in his mini Grab Nabber. He knew that his friend was in trouble and needed help.
"To save the Firebird, we'll need to get past Katshai," June said. " And he 'll use plenty of magic spell to try and stop us."
" Stupendous!" exclaimed June. We've got the magical feather which means we have the musical power to get  past Katschai!'
Thank to the Look and Listen Scope, the team make their way to the Instrument Forest. When Katschai heard the music, he became angry . He created spooky animals to scare away the Little Einsteins.
" I have got a plan," Ouincy said. "Leo, play the flute to make the bats disappear . I will play the violin to get rid of the mosquitoes. June, play the xylophone to make the spiders leave. Annie, make the bear go away with a trumpet." It worked! The spooky animals disappeared.
 Rocket continued his search for Katshai's secret palace. They saw a sad looking seal  who could't sing. Rocket had an idea. He sprinkled the little seal with the magical feather's musical power and helped him sing again.
But Katschai created a snow  storm to stop Rocket from going any further.
" Rocket is stuck under that huge pile of snow- he can't fly! cried  Quincy.
" Don't worry, Rocket," Annie said. "I know a special song that can make the sun come out and melt the snow." And it did.
The team finally reached the secret palace. Rocket found the specials  rainbow key and unlocked the birdcage. The firebird was free!  She soared through the sky, sprinkling her musical power everywhere.
" The Firebird's even sprinkling her musical power on Katschai."  Leo giggled.
Quincy laughed. " It's time for Katschai to finally face the  music - he can't escape it now!
"It 's true . "Never ," June said. " Never  underestimate the power of music."

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